((( 蔣揚欽哲尊者於示寂前,對其侍者說:「一個人臨終前的遺言應如敏卓林寺的偉大成就者德達林巴一樣啊!」 侍者好奇的問:「那是怎樣呢?」)))
今天,3月22日( 藏曆2月2日| The parinirvana anniversary of Terdak Lingpa ),為敏卓林開山祖師之涅槃紀念日。願吾等不負傳承上師之法教!
蔣揚欽哲旺波尊者即使身處閒暇時刻,亦時於左手執拿念珠,持誦著各種不同的咒語。尊者於示寂前,對其侍者說:「一個人臨終前的遺言應如敏卓林寺的偉大成就者 德達林巴一樣啊!」侍者好奇的問:「那是怎樣呢?」
尊者遂念誦出德達林巴尊者之【 現聲覺三者頌 ( 囊 札 離 順 瑪 ) 】:
( 囊札離順臘雅卻歸昂)
蔣揚欽哲旺波尊者即使身處閒暇時刻,亦時於左手執拿念珠,持誦著各種不同的咒語。尊者於示寂前,對其侍者說:「一個人臨終前的遺言應如敏卓林寺的偉大成就者 德達林巴一樣啊!」侍者好奇的問:「那是怎樣呢?」
尊者遂念誦出德達林巴尊者之【 現聲覺三者頌 ( 囊 札 離 順 瑪 ) 】:
( 囊札離順臘雅卻歸昂)
(http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/11893813 )
(( 敏卓林─說過話的蓮師唐卡 ))
(http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/11893813 )
(( 敏卓林─說過話的蓮師唐卡 ))
到了二月初二這一天,德達林巴尊者說:「我向東行走七步。」;隨即,即在斯處結跏趺坐,而說偈曰:『見聞三部佛法身自在,身與智慧遊戲無邊際, 向所修習身密大瑜伽,無分別意願能證一味。』
「 具足誓句弟子等 大長者之父子輩
得十地者主與眷 能作他利三十五
能作自利八百人 法之聯繫者三千
祝願聯繫者五萬 業之聯繫六十七
持傘伺候者七人 三大人權力弘揚」.
到了二月初二這一天,德達林巴尊者說:「我向東行走七步。」;隨即,即在斯處結跏趺坐,而說偈曰:『見聞三部佛法身自在,身與智慧遊戲無邊際, 向所修習身密大瑜伽,無分別意願能證一味。』
「 具足誓句弟子等 大長者之父子輩
得十地者主與眷 能作他利三十五
能作自利八百人 法之聯繫者三千
祝願聯繫者五萬 業之聯繫六十七
持傘伺候者七人 三大人權力弘揚」.
⊙photo story | 三百多年前 ,戴著晶鏡的德達林巴尊者,由其唯一心子‧達瑪師利尊者親繪 |Terdak Lingpa
Today is ( 22nd .March.Sunday | Lunar calendar 2nd .Feb ) the parinirvana anniversary of Terdak Lingpa .
Terdak Lingpa ( Mindroling Terchen Gyurme Dorje |1646-1714) was a great terton and
he founder of Mindroling Monastery .
His father was Sangdak Trinle Lhundrup (1611-1662) and his mother was Yangchen Drolma. He was born on the tenth day of the second month of the Fire Dog year. Together with his brother Lochen Dharmashri , he played an important role in the transmission of the Nyingma Mama , bringing together the Rong lineage of Central Tibet and the Kham lineage of Eastern Tibet .
The two brothers also compiled the terma collection known as the
Dojo Bumzang , which was a precursor of the Rinchen Tetdzo .
Terdak Lingpa established Mindroling Monastery in 1676 .
Terdak Libgpa 's final words which were quoted by Jamyang Khyentsr Wangpo at the moment of his own parinirvsna were :
May appearance, sound and awareness in the state of
deity,mantra and dharmakāya,
Merge boundlessly as the display of kāyas and wisdoms,
In the profound and secret practice of the Great Yoga,
And may they be of one taste, indivisible with the tiklé of the wisdom mind.
[nang drak rik sum lha ngak chökü ngangku dang yeshe rolpar jamlepézabsang naljor chenpö nyamlen layermé tuk kyi tikler ro chik shok]
((Mindrolling - Thangka of Speaking Padmasambhava))
Today is ( 22nd .March.Sunday | Lunar calendar 2nd .Feb ) the parinirvana anniversary of Terdak Lingpa .
Terdak Lingpa ( Mindroling Terchen Gyurme Dorje |1646-1714) was a great terton and
he founder of Mindroling Monastery .
His father was Sangdak Trinle Lhundrup (1611-1662) and his mother was Yangchen Drolma. He was born on the tenth day of the second month of the Fire Dog year. Together with his brother Lochen Dharmashri , he played an important role in the transmission of the Nyingma Mama , bringing together the Rong lineage of Central Tibet and the Kham lineage of Eastern Tibet .
The two brothers also compiled the terma collection known as the
Dojo Bumzang , which was a precursor of the Rinchen Tetdzo .
Terdak Lingpa established Mindroling Monastery in 1676 .
Terdak Libgpa 's final words which were quoted by Jamyang Khyentsr Wangpo at the moment of his own parinirvsna were :
May appearance, sound and awareness in the state of
deity,mantra and dharmakāya,
Merge boundlessly as the display of kāyas and wisdoms,
In the profound and secret practice of the Great Yoga,
And may they be of one taste, indivisible with the tiklé of the wisdom mind.
[nang drak rik sum lha ngak chökü ngangku dang yeshe rolpar jamlepézabsang naljor chenpö nyamlen layermé tuk kyi tikler ro chik shok]
((Mindrolling - Thangka of Speaking Padmasambhava))
In Mindroling Monastery has a famous hangka that is just outside the main shrine room and has a famous story to it.
One day , After Tredak Lingpa finished the ritual dance of the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche and went to his room, during that time the thangka spoke –‘’Son, are you tire ?”
⊙Take a look the thangka of Speaking Padmasambhava| http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/32153980?m=on
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