
不管你是百合, 或是薰衣草. 薄荷......都歡迎, 為本園地增添色彩與芳香. 來吧! 話不用多, 只要有用一句就夠了. 能夠善解, 人生無煩惱. 讓自己成為解語花忘憂草吧! 萬事萬物皆有其存在的道理, 有了善解的心, 處處是寶藏. Tel:0970101265

2012年9月27日 星期四

Anna Meyer   (Facebook)
幫助他人達到新的一天,能令我們在許多方面變得充滿活力。當我們給予的時候不期望得到任何回報 - 你會驚訝地發現,宇宙會自然報答你的慷慨。

Helping others reach for a new day rejuvenate us in many ways. As we give without expecting to receive - to be amazed how the universe will reward your generosity.

You have responsibilities in your life that must be taken care of. You need to change your approach and routines in your life. You need to provide less tensions in your life, and bring more joy into it. You can do these things, you just have to take charge in your life. When you take charge of things and situations change. You can never expect things changed by themselves.
〜 昂山素姫 Aung San Suu Kyi
