
不管你是百合, 或是薰衣草. 薄荷......都歡迎, 為本園地增添色彩與芳香. 來吧! 話不用多, 只要有用一句就夠了. 能夠善解, 人生無煩惱. 讓自己成為解語花忘憂草吧! 萬事萬物皆有其存在的道理, 有了善解的心, 處處是寶藏. Tel:0970101265

2012年6月20日 星期三



Did you ever tell somebody "I love you"? For sure many people did many times. However, there are also lots of people want to do the same thing, but they don't dare. Or many of them are waiting others to tell them first. Because you are pride, that's why you don't want to be the first one to voice out, and thought that, what if he/she refuse me, then i will lose face.

But at least there are someone want to say "I love you". Most of the people among us did at least tell someone "I love you" once before. Did you ever notice, every time when you say "I love you", what is the meaning behind this words? Behind this, there is a question. This question you might never ask by your lips, but from your heart so many times. And this question is : When you were saying "I love you", in fact, you were asking him/her, "Do you love me too?"

~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 宗薩欽哲仁波切


If you planted a marigold seeds in a pot, just over a minute, you are expecting able to see it germination or flowering, I think you were asking too much for the laws of nature. So why not clear the illusion of the world, still moved by the unreal outer-world and things there? Because our mind is not used to, today's hope and desire is the fear of tomorrow.

~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche


The "I" can make someone, almost whatever he do, whether that is very selfish, very wicked, he sincerely believes that what he does is for benefit dharma and sentient beings. The very first selfish act, will cause the second act, and it will keep on and on, until he has was go back to the beginning, and completely lost in samsara. But what is left, is a even more stronger, more cunning of "I" need to be tamed.

~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche


Contemplate in this way : May all beings live peacefully in equality, away from prejudice, attachment and resentment; May all beings away from hope and fear, greed and hatred; May all beings without the thought of "family" and "enemy"; May all beings have the mind of equality (non-duality), do not hate the enemy, do not attached friends and relatives. Thus, may all beings and dharma are equal.

~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche


Imagine everyone and everything you are going to meet and happen the whole day, have no differences with Guru Rinpoche.

~ 宗薩欽哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
