
不管你是百合, 或是薰衣草. 薄荷......都歡迎, 為本園地增添色彩與芳香. 來吧! 話不用多, 只要有用一句就夠了. 能夠善解, 人生無煩惱. 讓自己成為解語花忘憂草吧! 萬事萬物皆有其存在的道理, 有了善解的心, 處處是寶藏. Tel:0970101265

2012年10月16日 星期二


In this current status of us, Emptiness is just a concept. And we do not know how to generate emptiness, but at least we know how to practice compassion. So try to have compassion, the more compassion you have, you have more protection. Even though someone is not wearing a heavy protection core, a person with compassion, will always be protected.

〜 宗薩欽哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoché
