
不管你是百合, 或是薰衣草. 薄荷......都歡迎, 為本園地增添色彩與芳香. 來吧! 話不用多, 只要有用一句就夠了. 能夠善解, 人生無煩惱. 讓自己成為解語花忘憂草吧! 萬事萬物皆有其存在的道理, 有了善解的心, 處處是寶藏. Tel:0970101265

2014年10月18日 星期六

~ Advice from the Lotus Born to Yeshe Tsogyal ~
Again [Yeshe Tsogyal] asked: Pay heed to me, great master! How should a yogic practitioner bring forth enhancement through dispelling the hindrances from the path?
The master replied: Tsogyal, bringing forth enhancement on the path has three points: removing the faults that prevent enhancement, laying the basis for enhancement, and endeavoring in the methods for enhancement to occur.
First, the root of faults is nothing other than your ego-clinging, the attitude of deluded fixation, so cut the ties of ego-clinging! Cast away the fixation on enemy and friend! Forsake worldly concerns! Abandon materialistic pursuits! 
Engage in nothing but the Dharma from the core of your heart! Just as a seedling doesn't grow on a stone, there will be no enhancement without removing the fault of ego-clinging. You should therefore abandon the root of all evils, ego-clinging.
Second, for laying the basis for enhancement, persevere in whichever path you have entered and exert yourself in manifesting some qualities. Engaging in numerous practices without training in one will not bring success. Understand the key point of engaging in and turning away from the path: engage in whatever [path] you have experience and turn away from other practices! 
Concentrate wholeheartedly until you become established in that practice. You cannot grasp for a higher path without depending upon the one below. By training like this, just like planting healthy seeds in fertile soil, you will gain experience, see your essence, and progress. In short, intensive training is the basis for qualities to arise.
Third, regarding bringing forth enhancement, there are two poinrs: enhancing the particular path you are on, and enhancing the newly arisen experience and realization.
If you don't make any progress while practicing a teaching on means (upaya), the means have become one-sided due to clinging to concreteness and attributes. Bring forth enhancement by knowledge (prajna), understanding that all phenomena are devoid of self-nature.
If you don't make progress while practicing a teaching on knowledge (prajna), the knowledge has become a shortcoming due to your one-sided clinging to emptiness. Focus on the vital point of cause and effect and bring forth enhancement through the teachings on skillful means (upaya).
In the same way, to not progress while practicing shamatha is due to the fault of not understanding the natural state. Bring forth enhancement by means of vipashyana, the recognition of the true state.
Not to progress while practicing vipashyana is due to the shortcoming of too-brief a period of stillness. Bring forth enhancement by means of steady mindfulness and shamatha. Likewise, understand this same principle with all types of meditation and post-meditation states.
This is the key point for bringing forth enhancement in all types of daily practice.
- Advice From the Lotus Born - Rangjung Yeshe Publications
